The Infinite Advantages of Group Skydiving

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Doing a group parachute jump is one of the top ways to check “Go Skydiving” off the bucket list! Whether you’re jumping with co-workers as an alternative to cheesy team-building activities, or with your best friends and family, a skydiving tandem group has myriad benefits! Of course, there are sought-after skydiving group discounts, but there’s also next-level memory making, guaranteed moral support, and opening the door of further pursuing the sport with your pals! 

Group Skydiving Packages at Skydive Tecumseh

Our skydiving group deals are pretty groovy if we do say so ourselves! Our group rates are applicable to our 14,000-foot and 18,000-foot skydives. Yeah, that’s right, we regularly jump from planes 18 THOUSAND feet in the sky … pretty sick, eh?

If you have a group of 5 to 9 people, each person will save $10. If you bring a group of 10 to 19 you’ll each save $20 on each skydive. Now here’s the real pot of gold – if you bring at least 19 other people to jump with you (20 total), then you’ll jump for free. Yes, you heard that right. Plus all your buddies will save 30 buckaroos on their jumps. You really can’t beat it! Feel free to delve into all of our tandem skydiving pricing here

So, can two people skydive together!? Well, not exactly. Unless you learn to skydive solo, that is. Tandem jumpers don’t exit the plane or hang out in freefall simultaneously, but this makes the ride up all the more exciting! 

Mind-Boggling Memories

group skydiving

Skydiving, especially for the first time, will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

Seriously, it’s up there with weddings, graduations, and other awesome milestones. Skydiving floods the body and brain with adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which creates a unique concoction that yields incredible feelings of happiness, exhilaration, and empowerment. You straight-up triumph over your fears!

Hmm … what would make this out-of-this-world experience even more epic? Oh yeah, having your pals with you! And we’ll be sure to capture all the memories for you!

You’ll find skydivers really (like, really) like to talk about skydiving. Sitting down to eat with your family? Perfect time to talk about your buttery-smooth parachute opening the other day – the butter on the table jogged your memory, duh! Headed out for drinks with friends? Definitely, an ideal time to talk about skydiving traditions.

Our point is this: if you create the memory of skydiving with friends, you’ll not only be able to endlessly geek out about it without them getting annoyed, but you’ll have the added benefit of them actually understanding what you’re talking about! 

The Psychological Reinforcements!

We’d put money on this statement: the mental and emotional aspect of skydiving is 90% of what people battle with when debating to jump. You second guess your decision by asking yourself a lot of questions — some that make perfect sense to ask, and others that are a little odd and clearly anxiety-induced. We’re talking from “Am I healthy enough to skydive?” all the way to “Is it awkward to tandem skydive?” Ask away! Every question is valid, and we’ll answer them all for you. Case in point –

While it is important to be in generally good shape, the cognitive part of skydiving is what can be difficult to wrap your mind around, and understandably so! No matter how awesome it is, it’s not natural to fling your body from a perfectly good airplane.

And, no, it’s not awkward being strapped to an instructor. A little cumbersome, perhaps, but not uncomfortable. Your tandem skydiving instructor has trained long and hard to earn their instructor rating. They have at least 500 jumps, three years in the sport, a USPA D License, and have a current FAA Class III Flight Medical Certificate. They love sharing our life-affirming sport with others and maintain the highest standards of professionalism and customer service.

But what about when the “what if” monster makes an inevitable appearance on jump day?? This is where your best buds come in — they’ll be by your side, giving you all the reassurance you need. Keep in mind that the entire process of going skydiving will be a first for most if not all of you – you’re all in it together.

We’re obviously available to offer all the support necessary, but there’s nothing more comforting and reassuring than having the people you know and trust lend you a helping hand or word of encouragement when things get really real.

Learn to Skydive With Your Friends

When you land from your tandem skydive and realize how skydiving can change your life, you may want to pursue skydiving solo. Learning to skydive solo is a challenging and super-empowering process – it’s a lot of work, but it’s so worth it. The course requires that you jump with instructors and coaches, go totally solo, study a lot, and ace examinations. Your newfound sky family will welcome you with open arms and offer guidance to support your success through the program and beyond. 

But similar to your friends’ ability to hype you up for your first tandem, it’s awesome to delve into something new and unknown with someone you know. If you earn your skydiving license with your friends the possibilities are endless! Maybe you’ll form a skydiving team and compete! Maybe you’re all more laid back and want to travel the country (or the world) skydiving in all the coolest spots. Whatever strikes your collective fancy, go for it! 

Whether your intention with skydiving is for it to be a one-and-done deal or to dive head-first into the sport, you can’t go wrong if you have your best buds by your side. Of course, if you show up to our dropzone solo, that is 100% okay, too — we’ll take you under our wing and share in your excitement and accomplishment! Ready to book your jump!? Let’s go!

Tandem Skydiver in freefall at Skydive Tecumseh

Skydiving for the first time at Skydive Tecumseh was by far one of the greatest experiences of my life. No matter how high maintenance I was before the jump when I was scared, every single jumper employee did everything they could to make my experience unforgettable. I have already recommended here for many of my friends wanting to go with me for their first time on my next round!

Christine Kardel