The Positive Benefits of Skydiving

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Without knowing a lot about it on the way in, you will find that skydiving is much more than you perhaps imagined. Jumping out of an airplane is a relatively brief affair, with the freefall part lasting around a minute and the parachute part a few minutes more – but what happens to you before, during, and after your skydiving experience can have important and lasting effects. Also, you don’t just have to jump once in your life. You can leap from aircraft over and over and over again, and the health benefits of skydiving can stay with you for the rest of your life. Here are a few more details about the advantages of skydiving.

Physiological Health Effects of Skydiving

Skydiving is not just an awesome thing to put on your bucket list. Sure, it is presented like this a lot of the time because everyone should try skydiving once at the very least – but it is also a joyful leisure activity, a detailed hobby, a total lifestyle, and even a competitive sport. You don’t need to be super into fitness to be a skydiver, but general good health helps you to get the most from it – and as soon as you learn about how much is involved you start to aim for every way to aid your progression and enjoyment.

physiological effects of skydiving

Mental Health

Skydiving is a thrilling experience. When we humans get involved in intense situations our bodies release all sorts of chemicals so we perform better, and this feels good. Positive chemicals called endorphins are created in our bodies to help with managing stress and pain, and situations we perceive as risky often flood our insides so we are ready for action. Accessing and using these advantageous chemicals is excellent at the moment, but they can also linger in the body and boost our feelings for much longer.

Spiritual Health

Skydiving feels good. Although we are basically monkeys, something about flying through the air speaks to our souls. When you jump out of an airplane you not only perform better both physically and mentally, but it can cause you to see things differently. Being in freefall can be like seeing the world in high-definition for the first time when previously you had no idea such clarity was available. Jumping is scary if you have never done it before, but as soon as you do it you realize skydiving is not scary at all – and that once you get out of the plane it feels like the most natural thing in the world.

advantages of skydiving

When you add it all up, there are a lot of health benefits and effects that skydiving can have on your body. Skydiving is easy to go and do, as over time we have gotten very, very good and sharing the experience with others. The whole process from start to finish is relatively quick but can have a profound effect on how you feel and exist in the world. You can get involved too, with a license of your own – or you can come back anytime for another tandem skydive to experience it all over again. Come join us at Skydive Tecumseh!    

Tandem Skydiver in freefall at Skydive Tecumseh

This was a great experience! The staff were friendly, the TI (Amber) was informative and made it fun. I felt very safe and in the care of a qualified and capable TI. Skydive Tecumseh has been around for over 50 years and I can see why. This is a fantastic place to check off one's bucket list, have fun with friends, and do something exhilarating. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to have a chance of a lifetime.

Ellen Brothers